The x-ray imaging is the first application for x-ray in one hundred years ago. Now with the 3rd generation synchrotron source, the x-ray imaging capability is tremendous improved by the advancing of acquisition technique, detection technique and data analysis techniques.
For the material analysis, the x-ray absorption (XAS) is a widely used method. By scanning the energy close the absorption edge of specific element. Therefore, a high energy resolution with Si (111) double crystal monochromator, and for higher flux application, the multi-layer monochromator is used.
A transmission x-ray microscopy (TXM) has been installed in TLS BL01B since 2004. It has the highest optical resolution better than 30 nm in 2D (third order), better than 60nm (first order) and close to 60 nm in 3D. It also equipped with phase contrast with both Zernike’s phase contrast and propagation based . This this the first TXM to use the capillary as the condenser, and this design gives one order magnitude higher than the traditional type which use zoneplate as condenser. Since then, the SSRL, APS, BNL and many other facilities adopt this concept to new type of TXM. Since this is the first TXM of this new type, some function was not considered in the time was build such as capability of XAS. On the other hand, we have found that old type of TXM limits the sample size to about 15 micron. Therefore, we plan to build a new endstation which accommodates projection x-ray microscopy (PXM) and TXM at the same beamline in the TPS phase II Beamline.