24A Soft X-ray Tomography

Beamline Description

24A is a full-field transmission soft X-ray tomography beamline. Microscopy includes an on-line correlation of fluorescence structured-illumination microscopy (SIM) with soft X-ray tomography (SXT), which is dedicated to image frozen-hydrated biological specimen with a spatial resolution of 15-30 nm for 2D imaging and 50 nm for 3D tomography.

Unique Features

To image 3D cellular strustures by the correlation of fluorescence structured-illumination microscopy with soft X-ray tomography.

Scientific Opportunities

  • Molecular events within cells: aggregation of misfolded proteins in cells.
  • Sub-cellular organelles: endocytosis, exocytosis, cell migration and cellular changes upon stimulation.
  • Cell-cell interaction and communication: neurological synapse and immunological synapse.
  • Host-microbe interaction: virus and intracellular bacteria.

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—+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 2242

BL Spokesperson

Lai, Lee-Jene (賴麗珍)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7318

BL Manager/Local Contact

Lin, Zi-Jing (林子敬)
+886-3-578-0281 Ext. 7204


  • Soft X-ray Tomography (SXT)
  • Fluorescence Structured-Illumination Microscopy (SIM)


  • Medicine and drug discovery
  • X-ray optics
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Soft X-ray imaging
  • Bio-medical imaging

General Information

  • Source: Bending Magnet
  • Energy Range: 260-2,600 eV
  • Focused Spot Size: 20 ~ 30 nm in 2D imaging; 50 nm in 3D imaging
  • Status: under construction

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

101 Hsin-Ann Road, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30076
