Q1.實驗結束後若有發現忘記複製的數據要去哪邊抓取或是重新做data reduction? Where can I download my data or re-do the data reduction?
Ans:Please go to the DiCOS-BioSAXS Platform; here is the link: https://bioswan.twgrid.org/
Tutorial video : https://youtu.be/l3eat9rUlxI
Q2.實驗過程中出現問題該如何聯繫實驗站負責人員? How do I contact endstation people if there are any problems during my beamtime?
Ans:請利用我們的視訊系統送出求救訊號。 Please use our webcam system to request assistance.
教學影片 : (待上)
Q3.實驗結束後用戶應該關閉哪些儀器? What do I have to do after my experiments (before leaving NSRRC)?
Ans:Please follow the steps shown in this tutorial video : https://youtu.be/c8QTWeoX640
Q4.離實驗站最近的出入大門? What's the closest gate number to TPS13A?
Ans:Gate #23, you can ask the food delivery driver to drop stuff there or load oversized cargo through that gate.
(However, the food can only be delivered to the main gate if the pandemic situation gets worse.)
If there is any emergency and an evacuation is needed, please go to the red spot (1) shown below for further instructions.
Q5.緊急聯繫或發生各種況狀可能會用到的分機號碼? What are the extension numbers I might need to know?
Ans:警衛室 Ext. 3333 (計程車/招待所鑰匙/緊急事故)
醫務室 Ext. 8217
TPS控制室 Ext. 8201
Dr.葉奕琪 Ext. 7106
Dr.施怡之 Ext. 7156
TPS'13A光束線 Ext. 2132
T262A休息室 Ext. 8262 備有咖啡機/飲料/點心,實驗站有氣泡水機。
T260生物樣品實驗室 Ext. 8260 (需事先申請 若想使用SEC-MALS可以看這個日曆確認可使用時段)
T244A材料樣品準備室 (此實驗室專門處理有機溶劑請多加利用,需事先申請)
Ans:Security office Ext. 3333 (For calling taxi/guest house key deposit/emergency)
Medical office Ext. 8217
TPS control room Ext. 8201
Dr.Yi-Qi Yeh Ext. 7106
Dr.Orion Shih Ext. 7156
TPS'13A endstation Ext. 2132
T262A break room Ext. 8262
(we have a coffee machine/beverages/snacks there for free, the endstation has a soda maker for sparkling water lovers)
T260 Bio-lab Ext. 8260 (BSL-2 lab, please apply before use. Check this calendar for empty slots if you want to use SEC-MALS)
T244A lab (General lab, you can handle organic solvents there, but also need pre-apply for usage)